Seamless Orthotrac Integration
Providing real time updates of your diary
Confirmation status updated in Orthotrac with no manual intervention
Clinical notes updated with reminders and medical history forms
Automated Recall Reminders
Recall SMS/emails get sent out every day in accordance to your OT system
Recall effectiveness tracker to ensure all patients ae scheduling appointments
Reduces whitespace and appointment book gaps
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
Patient satisfaction surveys sent out at specific appointment types
Provides the practice with an overall star rating
Can feature the star rating on your website alongside featured comment
Eliminate Failed Appointments
Interactive 2 way texting allowing patients to confirm appts via SMS reply
Automated personalised reminders based on appointment types
Recalls and FTA notifications to patients
Reduce outgoing and incoming calls to patients
Reduce postage costs
Online medical history forms
Complete medical histories online/on your smart phone ahead of appointments
Customised forms for your practice
Reduce staff time and scanning time on reception
Saves as a PDF with both patient, parent/guardian and dentist signature
Online consent forms
Customised forms for treatment consent and photo consent
Saves from printing and scanning
Fuction | Starter | Standard | Plus |
2-Way SMS + Email Appointment Reminders | x | x | x |
Bulk SMS & Email Messaging | x | x | x |
Recall Manager | x | x | x |
Patient View | x | x | x |
Appointment Book | x | x | |
Ad-hoc & Bulk Multi-channel Messaging | x | x | |
Advanced 2-Way SMS | x | x | |
Advanced Recall Manager | x | x | |
Data Quality Tracker | x | x | |
Automated Patient Feedback Surveys | x | x | |
Marketing Campaign Manager | x | ||
Online & Digital Medical History forms | x |